Azure Bouquet | Flower Bouquet
Azure Bouquet | Flower Bouquet
Clusters of blue hydrangea give this floral arrangement a fresh focus, drawing the eye with pops of green berry and mini yellow pom pom perfectly placed with an artists eye to create an unforgettable moment upon delivery. Notice how the flax leaves are placed within the arrangement to give it all a sense of movement and grace, taking the design aesthetic to a new level of sophistication. The subtle tiffany light blue color of the wrapping paper helps to bring forth the blues and greens within the bouquet, making this both a warm and airy design that will help you send a gift that truly speaks from your heart.
size ;600mm (H)
Some flowers & distinct items will vary from pictures depending on seasonal availability.
Florism De Art reserve the right to substitute certain materials to ensure timely delivery while maintaining the quality and aesthetics of the final product.