Belle Amour | Flower Bouquet
Belle Amour | Flower Bouquet
A dreamy and romantic arrangement that exudes sweetness, femininity, and a touch of coquette charm. This bouquet features delicate roses, charming carnations, all in shades of blush, pastel pink, and ivory. Accented with airy chamomile and cascading greenery, the bouquet is artfully designed to evoke a sense of playful elegance. Subtle embellishments like satin ribbons or lace wraps add a touch of vintage sophistication.
Perfect for expressing love, admiration, or celebrating moments of beauty and grace, this bouquet captures the essence of a romantic heart with its enchanting and flirtatious allure.
Some flowers & distinct items will vary from pictures depending on seasonal availability.
Florism De Art reserve the right to substitute certain materials to ensure timely delivery while maintaining the quality and aesthetics of the final product.